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Science Saturday

For those of you who loved "Science in the River City" (SIRC), Sacramento State College of Education and NorCal Arts are excited to introduce "Science Saturdays." Join us on September 7, 2024, 9:00am-3:30pm, for a full day of workshops exploring science and sound. Sponsored by MSTI, Sacramento State College of Education and NorCal Arts.

Workshops will be led by a mix of NorCal Arts leaders and local science and music teachers on the Science of Sound, and modeling how to integrate Science & The Arts (Arts Integration). Registration includes breakfast, lunch, a $15 Starbucks gift card, and workshop materials.

To Register click HERE


  • Breakfast/Check in 8:30am
  • Keynote
  • Morning Workshops - 2 hours (10am-12pm)
  • Music & Mood: Physiological Effects of Music for the Secondary Classroom
  • Theatre integration for K-2 concepts of sound
  • Theatre integration for 3-5 concepts of sound
  • Lunch/ Resource Expo/Tabling (12pm-1pm)
  • Afternoon Workshops - 2 hours (1pm-3pm)
  • Music & Mood: Physiological Effects of Music for the Elementary Classroom
  • Concepts of Sound for the Physics Classroom
  • Raffle/ Blue Slips (3pm-3:30pm)

Location & Check-in

This event will be held at Sacramento State in the University Union. Check-in and a light breakfast will be available starting at 8:30am, and our event will start promptly at 9:00am.

Sponsored by MSTI at Sac State & NorCal Arts

This event is partially funded by the California Arts Council